Yalu iOS 9.2 Jailbreak Video Shown

After the Pangu 9 jailbreak for iOS 9 – iOS 9.0.2 was patched by Apple in iOS 9.2.1, the jailbreak scene has pretty much slowed down and not many strong developments have been seen. A lot of users are stuck with stock iOS firmware, while many are living with an old jailbroken firmware and are missing out on the features of the latest iOS 9.2. With Apple keeping a tight net around the jailbreakability of iOS, it seems that jailbreak teams are having a hard time finding the exploits for the next jailbreak. iOS 9.3 is in its beta phase, and we are expecting an iOS 9.3 jailbreak instead. Update: Pangu Team has recommended [ext link] jailbreak users to get iOS 9.2.1 download . This might be an indication that iOS 9.2.1 Jailbreak release date may come anytime now. Update 2 [ 5th Feb 2016 ] : Apple stopped signing iOS 9.2 firmware. This means you can no longer install iOS 9.2 on your iOS device and when you try to install iOS 9.2 on your device manually using iTunes via ipsw method , iTunes will return an error “This device is not eligible for the requested build“. Skip to iOS 9.2.1 Jailbreak article for more information .
Image : Yalu iOS 9 Jailbreak Update
yalu jailbreak ios 9

Well, time for some good news now. If you are waiting eagerly for the next jailbreak, you should follow iOS hacker qwertyoruiop. The hacker has demonstrated the possibility of an untether jailbreak for iOS 9.3 beta, iOS 9.2.1, and iOS 9.2. A video of the same has been shared by the hacker via Twitter [ext link], in which he has demonstrated his iPhone 6 running an untethered iOS 9.2 jailbreak. To prove his point, the hacker launched Cydia in the video and verifies the iOS version. Then he performs a command by going into Mobile Terminal. After that, the hacker goes ahead and fiddles with WinterBoard themes, after which he resprings the device.
The hacker has demonstrated an untethered jailbreak for iOS 9.2 in the video, and it looks very promising. However, the hacker has said that we will be working on iOS 9.3 beta and iOS 9.2.1. However, there’s some bad news too. The hacker has mentioned in the description of the YouTube video that the jailbreak will be kept private. He has used sarcasm to mention Kim Jong Un, the supreme leader of North Korea, and says :
“which shall be kept private for the Leader’s enjoyment.”
As we said earlier, the video has been released by the hacker only for demonstration purposes and it is not going to be released. However, the whole point of the video was to prove that iOS 9.2 could be jailbroken, and we have hopes that even iOS 9.3 is not too hard to jailbreak. It is now all up to the major jailbreak teams like Pangu and TaiG to work out the exploits and release a jailbreak tool for the public soon. As jailbreaking iOS 9.3 beta now seems possible, we are sure that the iOS 9.3 jailbreak will be released right after the public release of iOS 9.3.
Video : iOS 9.2.1 – iOS 9.3 Jailbreak from Luca Todesco

The wait is on ! Subscribe to Get Yalu iOS 9 Jailbreak updates .

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